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ethanol ethyl alcohol.
ethyl acetate a colorless flammable volatile liquid made from ethyl alcohol and acetic acid that has a fruity aroma and is used in the making of perfumes and other products and as a solvent.
ethyl chloride a gas that becomes a volatile flammable liquid under pressure, made from ethyl alcohol and hydrogen chloride and used as a solvent and local anesthetic and in the making of tetraethyl lead.
gasohol a mixture of gasoline with a small amount of ethyl alcohol, used esp. to power cars.
grain alcohol ethyl alcohol, esp. that made from grain.
methanol a colorless, poisonous liquid used as a solvent, fuel, or antifreeze; methyl alcohol.
neutral spirits (used with a sing. or pl. verb) flavorless, 190-proof distilled ethyl alcohol blended with whiskeys or used to make alcoholic beverages such as gin, liqueurs, and cordials.
wood alcohol see "methyl alcohol."