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bass viol the largest and deepest-toned instrument of the violin family; double bass, contrabass. [1/2 definitions]
bow2 a long, thin piece of wood with horsehairs stretched between the ends, used for playing the violin and other stringed instruments. [2/7 definitions]
bowstring a string, usu. of horsehair, for the bow of a musical instrument such as the violin. [1/3 definitions]
brown recluse spider a highly poisonous, medium-sized brown spider that has a dark, violin-shaped mark on its body.
cello a large four-stringed instrument of the violin family with a pitch lower than that of the viola but higher than that of the double bass; violoncello.
contrabass the largest and deepest-toned instrument of the violin family; double bass; bass viol. [1/4 definitions]
double bass the largest and deepest-toned instrument of the violin family; bass viol; contrabass.
double-stop to produce two notes simultaneously on a stringed instrument, such as the violin, by drawing the bow across two strings at once. [1/2 definitions]
fiddle (informal) a violin or related instrument. [2/7 definitions]
fiddlehead a decorative carving above the bow of a ship, shaped like that at the end of a violin neck. [1/2 definitions]
fingerboard the portion of a violin, guitar, or other stringed instrument against which the player presses the strings.
gut strips of intestinal tissue used for various purposes such as the strings of a guitar or violin, or for sutures. [1/11 definitions]
portamento in music, a smooth sliding from one pitch to another, esp. with the voice, a violin, or the like.
purfle a decorative border, such as the inlaid border of a violin; purfling. [1/2 definitions]
scroll a decorative element, such as a border or the head of a violin, that has a coiled or spiral motif resembling a partially unrolled scroll. [1/4 definitions]
sonata a musical composition for one or more instruments, such as the piano or violin, usu. having several movements that contrast in tempo and mood.
soundbox the hollow main body of a stringed instrument such as a guitar or violin.
stop in music, any device or movement, such as a flute hole or a pressing down of a violin string, that causes an instrument to produce a particular note. [1/18 definitions]
Stradivarius a violin or other stringed instrument made by the Stradivari family.
string band a musical group consisting of violin, guitar, string bass, and the like, usu. performing folk or country music.
stringed instrument any musical instrument, such as the violin, guitar, or zither, in which the tones are produced by strings played with the fingers or with a plectrum or bow.