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adopt to take on as one's own (a manner, style, or point of view). [1/3 definitions]
aesthetic an aesthetic theory, system, or point of view. [1/3 definitions]
a leg to stand on a valid or convincing basis for a point of view.
angle1 the standpoint from which something is considered; point of view. [1/10 definitions]
aspect the point of view from which something is seen or considered, or the manner in which something is considered. [1/5 definitions]
astigmatic having a distorted point of view or warped judgment. [1/3 definitions]
black sheep one who differs from and is often an embarrassment or disgrace to his or her family or group. This may be be due to this person's disreputable behavior, lack of worldly success, or difference in belief or point of view from that of the group.
end point of view. [1/18 definitions]
haggle to bargain or argue over petty differences in price, terms, or point of view. [1/2 definitions]
off-the-record not representing an official point of view. [1/2 definitions]
over to a different side or point of view. [1/29 definitions]
position point of view; opinion. [1/9 definitions]
propaganda information or statements of opinion that are deliberately circulated among the public in order to persuade the population to accept a particular point of view, esp. one in favor of or opposed to a particular movement, cause, or doctrine.
psychologize to analyze, reason, speculate, or explain from a psychological point of view.
semantics (used with a sing. verb) the study of meaning in language, esp. from a developmental or historical point of view.
sentiment an attitude or point of view regarding something. [1/3 definitions]
slant to give or write a selective account of, so as to reach a particular audience or promote a particular point of view. [1/7 definitions]
spin (slang) an interpretation or point of view, usu. applied to a politician's words. [1/15 definitions]
standpoint the outlook, opinion, and attitudes that determine how one views, understands, and evaluates things; perspective or point of view.
tendentious having or expressing a particular point of view; not impartial; biased.
tunnel vision a narrow or limited point of view; narrow-mindedness. [1/2 definitions]