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chaotic completely disordered or disorganized; in a state of utter confusion.
confuse to combine in a disordered, unclear way; fail to distinguish between or among. [1/3 definitions]
desultory disordered, disconnected, or unmethodical; aimless. [1/2 definitions]
dysplasia disordered growth or abnormal development of tissues, bones, or other body parts.
garble to mix up, distort, or confuse (a message, translation, or the like); cause to be disordered or unintelligible. [1/3 definitions]
haywire (informal) acting in an unpredictable or disordered manner; crazy. [1/3 definitions]
helter-skelter haphazard and disordered. [1/5 definitions]
higgledy-piggledy completely disordered or confused; jumbled. [1/2 definitions]
hurry-scurry in a hurried, disordered manner; confusedly. [1/4 definitions]
insanity in law, a mental condition so disordered that the afflicted person is considered incompetent to engage in contracts or similar matters, or that he or she may be committed to an institution. [2/4 definitions]
mare's-nest a disordered or confused place, state, or condition. [1/2 definitions]
out of joint in a chaotic, disordered, or unharmonious condition. [1/3 definitions]
pell-mell in a hasty, disordered, jumbled manner. [2 definitions]
sprawl to spread or extend in a loose, disordered manner. [2/5 definitions]
throw off to cause changes that make (something or parts of something) incorrect, disordered, or out of alignment. [1/2 definitions]
tousle a disordered mass, esp. of hair. [1/3 definitions]