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bastion a pentagon-shaped portion of a rampart or fortification that projects outward. [1/3 definitions]
battlement (often pl.) a parapet or defensive wall lining the top of a fortification, with indentations at regular intervals.
breastwork a temporary, hastily built defensive fortification, usu. of breast height.
bunker in warfare, a partially underground fortification from which soldiers can fire weapons. [1/5 definitions]
casern a military barracks within a fortification.
embattle to dispose or prepare (troops or a fortification) for battle. [1/2 definitions]
enceinte2 a wall or fortification, or the area within such an enclosure.
escarpment a similar slope cut into the ground in front of a fortification or rampart. [1/2 definitions]
fieldwork a temporary military fortification constructed by troops in the field. [1/2 definitions]
fosse a ditch, esp. one used as a fortification.
Great Wall of China a defensive fortification in northern China which stretches for thousands of miles. Parts of the structure were built as early as the seventh century BCE. These and other parts were connected in the third century, beginning the creation of what became considered the Great Wall. Later parts were eventually added, especially in the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries.
lay siege to to begin a forceful and persistent attack on (a city or fortification) that includes the surrounding and cutting off from supplies.
outwork2 a fortified position outside a main defense or fortification.
peephole a small hole or opening through which one may look, as in a door or fortification.
petard an explosive device formerly used in warfare to breach a defensive fortification.
portcullis a strong, sliding grill suspended at the top of a fortification gateway that can be lowered to prevent entry, as to a castle.
rampart a mound of earth raised to serve as a defensive fortification, often topped with a protective wall. [3 definitions]
redoubt an independent earthwork built inside a permanent fortification as a reinforcement. [1/2 definitions]
refortification combined form of fortification.
sandbag a sack full of sand, used to build a fortification or to serve as ballast. [1/5 definitions]
sap2 a deep, covered trench that leads to an enemy position or fortification, used for surprise attacks and ambushes. [2/4 definitions]