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alveolar of a sound, articulated with the tongue close to or touching the roof of the mouth at the roots of the teeth. [1/4 definitions]
apse a projection at the end of a church or other building, usu. having a domed or arched roof.
arachibutyrophobia the persistent fear of or intense distress caused by peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth.
attic the space in a house directly underneath the roof.
ballpark an enclosed piece of land, with or without a roof, having stands for spectators and a playing field for ball games, esp. baseball. [1/2 definitions]
bohío (Spanish) hut, esp. one with a thatched roof.
breezeway a passageway with a roof and no sides that connects two buildings.
cat burglar a burglar who gains entry through upper windows, roof doors, and the like; second-story man.
coaming a raised border around an opening in a roof, floor, or deck, designed to keep out water.
colonnade in architecture, a series of evenly spaced columns supporting an entablature or roof.
courtyard an enclosed yard with no roof, either within or adjacent to a building.
crawlspace a low or shallow area, as beneath the roof or floor of a building, usu. containing wiring and plumbing.
cupola a small structure with a separate, usu. domed roof that projects upward from a building and is often used to house a bell, light, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
curb roof a roof with two or more slopes on each side, as a gambrel or mansard roof.
dome a rounded, circular roof or ceiling on a room or building. [1/7 definitions]
dormer a window set vertically into a projecting structure on a sloping roof; dormer window. [1/2 definitions]
downspout a vertical drainpipe that carries rainwater or melted snow from a roof or gutter to the ground.
eave (usu. pl.) the lower part of a roof projecting beyond the wall of a building.
entablature in classical temples or derivatives, the part of the building between the columns and the roof, consisting of the architrave, frieze, and cornice.
flatcar a railroad car having a flat platform with no walls or roof.
gable the upper triangular section of an outer building wall, formed by two sloping roof sections. [1/2 definitions]