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bangle a bracelet in the form of a solid ring, usu. without a clasp. [1/2 definitions]
bolo tie a cord worn around the neck as a tie, the ends of which are held together with an ornamental sliding clasp.
brooch a piece of jewelry attached to clothing with a pin or clasp.
chip1 a very thin slice of food that has been baked or fried until crisp. [1/10 definitions]
clasp to fasten with a clasp. [1/4 definitions]
clench a tight hold; firm grasp. [1/5 definitions]
compass to comprehend fully; grasp. [1/9 definitions]
crackly tending or likely to crackle; crisp.
crisp to make or become crisp. [1/7 definitions]
crispy brittle and easily broken or crumbled; crisp. [1/2 definitions]
fastening that which is used to fasten or secure, such as a hook or clasp.
French-fry (often l.c.) to fry (potatoes, onion rings, or the like) in deep oil or fat until crisp.
graspable combined form of grasp.
grip a firm grasp, or the pressure of such a grasp. [2/14 definitions]
hasp to furnish or fasten with a hasp. [1/2 definitions]
horned viper a highly poisonous snake of Africa, having a hornlike protrusion above each eye; asp.
hornet any of several large stinging insects that live in colonies and build large, round, papery nests; wasp.
ichneumon fly any of various winged, wasplike insects whose larvae live as parasites in other insect larvae; ichneumon wasp.
ignis fatuus a phosphorescent light that appears to hover over marshes at night, possibly arising from spontaneous combustion of marsh gases; will-o'-the-wisp. [1/2 definitions]
lisp to utter or speak with a lisp. [1/3 definitions]
miss1 to fail to see, hear, understand, or otherwise grasp. [1/10 definitions]