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Christmas tree a real or imitation evergreen tree, usu. mounted indoors and decorated with lights and ornaments at Christmas.
factory farming a strictly controlled system of livestock farming in which animals are confined indoors under high density conditions to reduce costs and increase output.
houseplant a plant grown indoors, esp. as decoration.
mobcap a large, high, frilly cap worn indoors by women of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
natatorium a swimming pool and accompanying facilities, usu. indoors.
room temperature a comfortable indoor temperature or the temperature prevailing indoors without excessive heating or chilling.
roughhouse boisterous or rowdy play or wrestling, esp. when occurring indoors. [1/2 definitions]
shut-in confined indoors by illness, disability, or infirmity. [2/3 definitions]
slipper any lightweight, low-heeled shoe that may be easily put on and taken off, esp. one to be worn indoors.