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Dictionary Suite
account an arrangement with a store or other business wherein a customer is given certain advantages or access to special services, typically in return for the customer supplying certain information and, often, permitting various forms of advertising through mail, email, or other form of communication. [1/16 definitions]
account executive in a company such as an advertising agency, a person responsible for managing one or more clients' accounts and often for securing new accounts.
ad advertising. [1/2 definitions]
adman advertising man.
advertising man one who works in the advertising business, esp. as a designer, salesman, or executive; adman.
bait-and-switch a sales tactic in which a seller attracts customers by advertising at a bargain price one item that is often out of stock, and then diverts their attention by encouraging them to buy another item at a higher price. [1/2 definitions]
ballyhoo exaggerated, noisy, insistent advertising or publicity. [1/2 definitions]
billing advertising, publicity, or reputation. [2/3 definitions]
brochure a small booklet or pamphlet, esp. one that contains pictures and is used for advertising purposes.
buildup the act or process of promoting, as in advertising. [1/3 definitions]
classified advertising advertising, usu. brief, that is arranged in columns according to subject in a newspaper or magazine.
Clio any of several awards presented annually for achievements in advertising in television and radio. [1/2 definitions]
commercial supported by advertising rather than by government or public money. [1/4 definitions]
consumerism a movement that attempts to protect consumers from defective or harmful goods and services and from unfair business practices such as deceptive advertising. [1/2 definitions]
counteradvertising combined form of advertising.
exploitation the using of advertising and promotional techniques to further one's ends. [1/3 definitions]
Federal Trade Commission a U.S. agency whose duty is to investigate and prosecute illegal interstate trade practices such as false advertising and price-fixing.
flier a printed sheet to be handed out or mailed for advertising or publicity; handbill. [1/4 definitions]
FTC abbreviation of "Federal Trade Commission," a U.S. agency whose duty is to investigate and prosecute illegal interstate trade practices such as false advertising and price-fixing.
hard sell an aggressive method or instance of selling or advertising; high-pressure salesmanship.
huckster (informal) one who writes advertising or promotional material, often of an extravagant or misleading type. [1/4 definitions]