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Dictionary Suite
Anglo-Saxon a person whose nationality, ancestry, or native language is English. [1/5 definitions]
colleen a girl or young woman of Irish nationality or descent.
colony a distinct group of people of the same nationality, or a group of animals of the same species living closely together. [1/2 definitions]
ethnic pertaining to the origin or classification of groups according to criteria such as culture, race, religion, nationality, or language. [1/3 definitions]
folk (used with a pl. verb) (often pl.) a specific group of people, distinguished by common nationality, background, or style of life. [1/6 definitions]
genocide the intentional attempt to exterminate all members of a certain race, nationality, or ethnic group.
ghetto a part of a town or city in which members of a particular race, religion, nationality, ethnic group, or the like are forced by law to live. [1/3 definitions]
language a particular such system whereby people of the same nationality, region, or culture communicate with one another. [1/5 definitions]
people (plural "peoples") all persons who share the same nationality, religion, community, or race. [1/7 definitions]
registry a register showing the nationality of a merchant ship. [1/2 definitions]
stateless having no official nationality.