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account an arrangement wherein a bank or other financial institution holds a customer's deposited funds so that the funds are safe but can be accessed at any time by the customer, or the conception of this arrangement as a container for the funds that are kept. [3/16 definitions]
bank card an official card, esp. a credit card or ATM card, issued by a bank to a customer and used in transactions.
bespoke made according to the wishes or needs of a particular customer or user; custom-made. [1/2 definitions]
customize to make or change according to the specifications of the customer.
deadhead (informal) a person who uses a free ticket for transportation, admission, or the like; nonpaying customer. [1/5 definitions]
guest a customer at a hotel or restaurant. [1/2 definitions]
John (usually l.c., informal) a prostitute's customer. [1/5 definitions]
layaway a system of payment in which a deposit is made to reserve desired goods, the goods are then paid for over time in installments, and the goods are received by the customer when they are paid for in full. [1/2 definitions]
memsahib in India, a title of respect for a female boss, superior, or customer; madam. [1/2 definitions]
noncustomer combined form of customer.
patron a person who buys the goods or services of a business establishment, esp. a regular customer or client of a shop, hotel, restaurant, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
patronize to be a customer or client of, esp. on a regular basis. [1/3 definitions]
prospect a possible client, customer, or candidate. [1/5 definitions]
rain check a postponement of an accepted invitation or offer, esp. an assurance to a customer that a sale item that is sold out can be purchased later at the reduced price. [1/2 definitions]
regular a frequent customer or client. [1/12 definitions]
shoplift to steal goods from a store while posing as a customer.
shoplifter a person who steals goods from a store while pretending to be a customer.
trading stamp a stamp given as a premium to a retail customer that can be accumulated with other such stamps and traded in specified quantities for specified merchandise.
wait upon to satisfy the wants and needs of, esp. a customer in a restaurant. [1/2 definitions]
walk-in a client or customer who walks in without an appointment. [1/6 definitions]