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athlete's foot a common contagious skin infection characterized by itching and scaling, and caused by fungi that thrive in warm moist places, such as between the toes.
chigger a tiny parasitic mite larva that lives in the skin of vertebrates, causing severe itching and possible spreading of infectious disease. [1/2 definitions]
crab louse a louse that infests the human pubic area or armpit and causes severe itching.
eczema a skin disease that causes redness, itching, and scaly or crusty sores.
irritability in a tissue, physical responsiveness to an external stimulus, as by swelling, shrinking, or itching. [1/2 definitions]
itchy having or causing an itching sensation. [1/2 definitions]
mange any of various contagious skin diseases caused by parasitic mites, characterized by hair loss, itching, and skin eruptions, and affecting dogs and other mammals including humans.
paresthesia an abnormal sensation of the skin, such as burning or itching.
pruritus severe itching of the skin, usu. without eruption or other damage.
scabies a contagious skin disease that is caused by mites that live under the skin, resulting in severe itching. [1/2 definitions]
scratch to attempt to relieve itching by scraping one's skin. [1/22 definitions]
tetter any of several skin diseases, such as eczema or herpes, that cause itching and eruptions of the epidermis.
tickle to touch, stroke, or poke (someone or part of someone's body) so as to produce a tingling or itching sensation or spasmodic laughter or movement. [2/6 definitions]
urticaria a temporary skin disorder, often caused by an allergic reaction or stress, and characterized by pale, irregular, itching welts; hives.