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amandine prepared or served with almonds.
arm2 to become prepared for a state of war. [1/7 definitions]
armed prepared, as for a given purpose. [1/4 definitions]
bar1 a business establishment that primarily serves alcoholic drinks, or an area within an establishment where alcoholic drinks are prepared. [1/13 definitions]
box lunch an individual light meal, prepared and put in a box to be eaten later, as during travel or at a picnic.
butterscotch a flavoring or candy prepared from butter, brown sugar, and other ingredients. [1/2 definitions]
canned (informal) prepared beforehand for repeated use; not spontaneous or lively. [1/2 definitions]
capsicum these pods or their seeds prepared, esp. dried, for use as a condiment or gastric stimulant. [1/2 definitions]
carry-out of food prepared in a commercial establishment, ready to eat but to be taken off the premises; take-out. [1/2 definitions]
cigar a slender, tight roll of cured tobacco leaves prepared for smoking.
collect to make (oneself) calm or prepared, esp. after being disturbed or disrupted. [1/8 definitions]
contingency a possible future event that must be prepared for. [1/3 definitions]
convenience food partially or fully processed food, such as a frozen meal, that can be quickly prepared.
copy desk a desk in a newspaper office where copy is edited and prepared for typesetting, and where headlines are composed.
cornflakes a commercially prepared breakfast cereal made of small toasted flakes of coarse cornmeal, usu. eaten in milk.
crank up (informal) to get prepared or begin. [1/2 definitions]
Creole (l.c.) prepared with tomatoes, peppers, and seasonings, as a sauce or dish. [1/6 definitions]
crop a pouch in the esophagus of a bird, in which food is stored and prepared for digestion, or a similar digestive organ in lower animals such as insects and earthworms. [1/12 definitions]
cuisine a particular type of cooking, especially that of a particular region, or the food in general that is prepared in this way.
cyanamide a caustic, white, unstable compound prepared by the reaction of calcium cyanamide with sulfuric acid and used in chemical production.
decal a design or picture transferred or made to be transferred from specially prepared paper to glass, metal, wood, or the like.