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epoxy a synthetic resin that forms tightly linked, tough, adhesive polymer structures and that is often used in adhesives and coatings. [1/3 definitions]
macromolecule a very large molecule, such as a polymer or protein molecule, composed of hundreds or thousands of atoms.
monomer in chemistry, a molecule that can bind with others having similar characteristics to form a polymer.
polycarbonate any of a group of carbonate-containing polymers, such as the polymer found in many water bottles.
polyethylene a lightweight plastic polymer of ethylene used for packaging, tubing, electrical insulation, and the like.
polymeric of, pertaining to, or combined in a polymer.
polymerization the act of forming a polymer. [2 definitions]
polymerize to subject to or undergo the process of forming a polymer.
silicone rubber a rubberlike polymer processed from silicone, which retains its resilience in a wide temperature range.
urethane used as a short form of "polyurethane", a polymer derived from urethane. [1/2 definitions]