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Acadia a former French colony on the northeastern coast of Canada.
à deux (French) of or for two, esp. in an intimate or private manner.
agent provocateur (French) a secret agent who incites other people to commit acts that will subject them to punishment or prosecution, or who incites others to acts of rebellion or subversion; troublemaker.
Albert Schweitzer a French physician, musician, and missionary in Africa (b.1875--d.1965).
Algeria a North African country located between Morocco and Libya, formerly a French colony.
ami (French) friend.
amour-propre (French) self-love; self-esteem.
ancien régime (French) the political and social structure of France before the French Revolution in 1789. [1/2 definitions]
anti-French combined form of French.
aperçu (French) a quick glimpse; glance. [1/3 definitions]
à pied (French) on foot; by foot.
appellation contrôlée (sometimes caps.) a designation on the labels of certain French wines or liquors, certifying that the contents meet prescribed standards. [1/2 definitions]
aquarelle (French) watercolor painting with transparent colors, or a painting done by this technique.
arrondissement an administrative district of some French municipal governments. [1/2 definitions]
au contraire (French) on the contrary. [1/2 definitions]
au courant in the current (French); knowledgeable about current events or other matters of the moment; up-to-date.
au pair (French) of or pertaining to an arrangement in which one service or benefit is exchanged for another. [2 definitions]
au revoir (French) until we see each other again; good-bye for now.
bastille (cap.) the state prison in Paris that was attacked and taken by French revolutionists in 1789. [1/2 definitions]
beaucoup (French) very much or many.
beau geste fine gesture (French); a noble, gracious gesture. [1/2 definitions]