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canvass to solicit votes, information, opinions, or contributions. [1/8 definitions]
hitch2 (informal) to solicit or obtain a free ride; hitchhike.
hitchhike to solicit or obtain a free ride or series or rides in a vehicle.
huh used to solicit agreement. [1/3 definitions]
invoke to ask for earnestly, as in prayer; solicit. [1/4 definitions]
reach out to call, write, or otherwise solicit someone's help or cooperation. [1/4 definitions]
tout to solicit aggressively or persistently; importune. [1/7 definitions]
tract2 a brief essay or pamphlet, usu. on a religious or political topic, that is distributed to solicit support or adherence.
traveling salesman a sales representative who visits customers in an assigned territory to sell or solicit orders for the goods or services of a particular business firm.
woo to solicit or invite (some consequence or result). [1/4 definitions]