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compactor a machine that compresses or grinds up trash for easy disposal.
Dumpster trademark for a large metal trash container that is designed to be carried by a special truck.
dumpster diving (slang) in North America, the practice of rummaging through trash to find useful items that have been discarded.
junk1 anything regarded as having little worth; trash. [1/4 definitions]
rubbish worthless, discarded material or objects; garbage; trash. [1/3 definitions]
throw away to discard as trash or garbage. [1/2 definitions]
throw out to put (something) into the trash or garbage. [1/7 definitions]
trash (trash) to severely criticize (a book, film, or the like) as being worthless. [1/7 definitions]
trashy of or like trash; worthless; sleazy; inferior.
wastebasket an open container for holding trash, used inside a home or other building.