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Dictionary Suite
A.B. abbreviation of "artium baccalaureus" (Latin); Bachelor of Arts.
ab ovo (Latin) from the egg; from the beginning.
A.D. abbreviation of "anno Domini" (Latin); in the year of the Lord, or, since the birth of Jesus Christ (used in designating dates).
ad hominem (Latin) to the man; appealing to a personal interest, emotion, or prejudice rather than to rationality. [1/2 definitions]
a fortiori (Latin) for a strong reason; all the more so.
a.m. abbreviation of "ante meridiem" (Latin); the period from midnight until noon.
anno Domini (Latin) in the year of the Lord (often abbreviated "A.D.")
ars gratia artis (Latin) art for the sake of art.
Augustan of or relating to Augustus Caesar, to the period in which he reigned, or to the Latin literature of that period. [1/3 definitions]
Ave Maria (Latin) Hail Mary; the opening words of a prayer to the Virgin Mary. [1/2 definitions]
caballero a Spanish or Latin American gentleman. [1/3 definitions]
cacique in Spain and Latin America, a local political boss. [2/3 definitions]
caritas (Latin) love; charity.
carpe diem (Latin) seize the day; the attitude or advice that one should enjoy today without thought for tomorrow.
casus belli (Latin) an event or occurrence that provokes or serves as a pretext to declare war.
centavo a monetary unit of several countries, esp. in Latin America.
cf. abbreviation of "confer" (Latin); compare, to note the likenesses and differences of (pronounced as individual letters or as word "compare").
cha-cha a modern ballroom dance that originated in Latin America, characterized by its triple beat. [1/2 definitions]
chaconne a slow, formal dance of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries having its origins in Spain or Latin America, or the music composed for such a dance. [1/2 definitions]
classic (pl.) the academic study of the literary works of ancient Greece and Rome along with the study of the ancient Greek and Latin languages. [1/10 definitions]
compos mentis (Latin) in one's right mind; legally sane.