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brevet a promotion in military rank, usu. honorary, without an increase in salary or authority. [1/2 definitions]
doctorate the highest academic degree, esp. the Ph.D., awarded for completion of advanced work at the graduate level, or as an honorary degree, and conferring the title or status of doctor on the recipient; doctor's degree.
emeritus retired but continuing to hold as an honorary title the one held just prior to retirement. [2 definitions]
highness (cap.) an honorary title used in addressing a person of royal rank (usu. prec. by "His," "Her," "Your," or the like). [1/2 definitions]
knight a man given an honorary, nonhereditary rank by a sovereign for merit or service, that rank being next below a baronet. [1/5 definitions]
prebendary a cleric in the Church of England who holds the honorary position of a prebend, but receives no stipend. [1/2 definitions]