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bent2 any of several low-growing grasses, some of which are used for lawns or for hay; bent grass. [1/2 definitions]
clover any of various plants having three-lobed leaves and small, dense flowers, and often used for pasturage or hay. (See four-leaf clover.) [1/2 definitions]
cock3 a cone-shaped stack of hay, straw, or the like. [2 definitions]
feed food for birds and animals, such as seeds, grain, or hay. [1/13 definitions]
fodder feed for farm animals, such as cut-up cornstalks mixed with hay. [1/3 definitions]
hay to make (grass or a field of grass) into hay. [3/6 definitions]
haycock a small conical mound of hay that is drying in the field.
hayfield a field of grass or other plants as a source of hay.
hayfork a long-handled fork for moving hay; pitchfork. [2 definitions]
hayloft the upper part of a barn or stable, used for storing hay.
haymaker a person or machine that cuts hay and spreads it out to dry. [1/2 definitions]
haymow a barn loft for storing hay; hayloft. [2 definitions]
hayride a pleasure ride by a group of people in an open wagon that is partly filled with hay.
hayseed grass seed that has fallen from hay. [2/3 definitions]
haystack a large stack of hay formed for outdoor storage.
haywire wire used to bale hay. [1/3 definitions]
meadow an open grassland, growing wild or used for pasture or to grow hay. [1/2 definitions]
meadow fescue a tufted perennial grass that is used in lawns and in the cultivation of hay, esp. in the eastern United States.
millet any of various tall, seed-producing grasses grown for hay or for seed. [1/2 definitions]
mow2 a place in a barn for storing heaps of hay or cut grain. [1/2 definitions]
mower one that mows, esp. a machine for mowing grass, hay, or the like.