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armband a cloth band worn around the upper arm as a badge of rank, membership, or the like, or as a symbol, as of mourning.
assoc. abbreviation of "associate," or "associates," a person or persons holding a subordinate rank of membership.
associate a person holding a subordinate rank of membership. [1/10 definitions]
attrition the gradual decrease in the membership of a group as a result of not replacing those who leave. [1/3 definitions]
badge a piece of metal, cloth, or other material worn to signify a particular membership, rank, occupation, or accomplishment. [1/3 definitions]
baptism a Christian rite in which an applicant for membership to the church is sprinkled with or immersed in water, signifying purification. [2 definitions]
baptize to administer the Christian rite of immersion in or sprinkling with water, to purify symbolically and admit to church membership. [1/4 definitions]
blackball to vote against or refuse membership to. [1/3 definitions]
cap1 a headdress indicating rank, occupation, or membership, such as a sailor's cap or a graduating student's mortarboard. [1/10 definitions]
church the congregation or membership of a religious denomination or sect. [1/6 definitions]
confirmation a religious rite or ceremony performed to admit a person to full adult membership in a church. [1/3 definitions]
demit to resign from a post, or relinquish one's membership. [1/2 definitions]
due (pl.) membership fees. [1/7 definitions]
eligibility the state or condition of being eligible, as for office, membership, marriage, or participation in some activity.
excommunicate to exclude, by formal order, from the privileges of membership and communion in the Roman Catholic Church. [1/3 definitions]
expire to reach the end of a fixed term, as a permit, subscription, warranty, or membership. [1/4 definitions]
gender such a group of nouns, or the fact of a particular noun's membership in such a group. [1/3 definitions]
gym (informal) a fitness center providing various means of exercising, usually requiring membership. [1/4 definitions]
health club a private club offering a variety of facilities, equipment, and instruction for physical exercise and fitness to a paid membership.
heritage status or position acquired from membership in a particular family or other group. [1/2 definitions]
insignia a badge, button, emblem, or the like that indicates membership in a certain group. [1/2 definitions]