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Dictionary Suite
bed to have sleeping accommodations, as in a hotel. [1/10 definitions]
betel pepper a climbing plant of tropical Asia; betel.
bethel a sailors' chapel or hostel. [1/2 definitions]
captain the chief waiter in a restaurant, or the chief bellhop in a hotel. [1/8 definitions]
check-in the act or an instance of registering, as at a hotel.
hostel an inn or hotel. [1/3 definitions]
hostelry an inn or hotel.
hotelier one who owns or manages a hotel.
maître d'hôtel the manager or owner of a hotel. [1/2 definitions]
mantelpiece an ornamental shelf that projects over a fireplace; mantel.
mantle variant of mantel. [1/9 definitions]
motor hotel see "motel."
porter1 one who carries luggage for travelers at a station or hotel. [1/2 definitions]
suite several adjacent rooms forming a unit, as at a hotel. [1/2 definitions]
tourist court a motel.
youth hostel an inexpensive, usu. supervised lodging place for young people on bicycle tours, hikes, or the like; hostel.