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Dictionary Suite
city planning the study or practice of creating plans for the use of land and space in a city, including the development and location of roads, parks, residential and business areas, hospitals, stadiums, and the like.
commune2 a small group of people with shared interests who form a residential community in which members often share property, work, and income. [1/3 definitions]
compound2 an enclosed area in which residential units and sometimes other facilities are provided, as for foreigners in some Middle and Far East countries. [1/2 definitions]
coresidential combined form of residential.
dormitory a residential hall, esp. at a college. [1/2 definitions]
layout (informal) residential or business quarters with their contents and arrangement. [1/4 definitions]
local of or relating to one's own residential area. [1/7 definitions]
nonresidential combined form of residential.
poorhouse a residential institution for the poor, supported at public expense.
project (sometimes pl.) a large group of residential buildings, usually built with public money. [1/11 definitions]
recreation room a room or hall, as in a camp, school, or residential institution, that is used for recreational or social activities; rec room.
suburb a residential area or community located just outside a city or town.