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abdicate to formally relinquish a position of power, a claim, or a right. [1/3 definitions]
ABM abbreviation of "antiballistic missile," a missile designed to meet and destroy a ballistic missile in flight.
acetylene a highly flammable colorless gas used esp. to cut and weld metal and to give light.
achievement something successfully carried through, esp. through bold or brave action or thought. [1/2 definitions]
acro- top; peak; height. [1/2 definitions]
aerie a house or fortified structure located on a height. [1/2 definitions]
afield off the familiar or desired track, as in speech or thought. [1/3 definitions]
against in contrast with, esp. dark on light. [1/5 definitions]
airiness the quality or condition of being confidently carefree or light. [1/2 definitions]
air well a usu. central court that is enclosed by the exterior walls of a building and provides air and light.
airworthy fit and safe for use in flight.
alarming causing alarm or fright.
albedo the degree to which a planet, asteroid, or the like reflects light. [1/2 definitions]
alit past tense and past participle of alight1.
altitude in geometry, a perpendicular line segment that extends from one vertex of a figure to the opposite edge or face, or the length of such a line segment; height. [1/4 definitions]
antiballistic missile a missile designed to meet and destroy a ballistic missile in flight.
aperçu a quick impression, thought, or insight. [1/3 definitions]
apparition a startling or remarkable sight. [1/2 definitions]
appendant in law, pertaining to a subsidiary right. [1/4 definitions]
approve to consider or declare (something) good or right. [1/3 definitions]
arc lamp a lamp, such as a searchlight, in which light is produced by an electric arc passing through a gas between two hot electrodes; arc light.