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allegorical not literal; figurative. [1/2 definitions]
connote to suggest or imply (meanings or associations) in addition to the literal meaning. [1/2 definitions]
figurative not meant to be interpreted in a literal way; metaphorical. [1/3 definitions]
fundamentalism (sometimes cap.) a movement within Protestant Christianity that accepts the literal truth of the Bible and encourages strict adherence to narrow moral and cultural norms.
legalism strict adherence to the law, esp. excessive conformity to a literal interpretation of the law.
liberal not adhering to the literal, exact, or orthodox; freely interpretive; not strict. [1/8 definitions]
literalism adherence to the exact meaning, or the literal sense, of a given text.
matter-of-fact concerned with facts; unimaginative or literal. [1/2 definitions]
metaphorically with figurative meaning rather than literal meaning.
nonliteral combined form of literal.
overliteral combined form of literal.
strict construction the judicial practice or principle of relying on literal interpretation of the language of a nation's constitution and other laws.
trope any literary or rhetorical device, such as a metaphor, that uses words in a sense different from their literal meanings; figure of speech.