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bitt a strong post standing, usu. as one of a pair, on the deck of a ship, around which cables and lines are wound and caught, as in mooring. [1/3 definitions]
butterfish a flat-bodied fish caught for food along the North American Atlantic coast.
catch a thing or the quantity that is caught. [1/18 definitions]
catch-and-release in fishing, a policy of conservation that requires fish to be released back into the wild after being caught.
cod any of a wide variety of saltwater fishes, caught commercially for food.
complete in American football, denoting a forward pass that has been caught by its intended receiver. [1/6 definitions]
completion in football, a forward pass that has been caught. [1/3 definitions]
correlative in grammar, of or denoting a construction or paired words that indicate alternatives or reciprocal, mutual, or parallel relations, such as "either" and "or" in "He'll come either today or tomorrow" and "both" and "and" in "Both the house and the garage caught fire." [1/4 definitions]
creel a portable basketlike container carried by a person who is fishing, to hold the fish that have been caught. [1/2 definitions]
flycatcher any of various related European or American birds that feed on insects caught in the air.
foul out of a baseball player, to be put out because of hitting a ball outside the foul lines that is caught before it touches the ground. [1/2 definitions]
foul tip in baseball, a pitched ball that is barely tipped by the bat and is either caught by the catcher or deflected into the foul zone.
gamefish any fish that is commonly caught for sport.
get away with to avoid being caught or punished for doing something wrong.
gudgeon1 any of several small freshwater fishes that are easily caught, often used for bait. [1/2 definitions]
herring any of various small fishes, found mostly in northern waters, that are caught in great numbers for food. [1/2 definitions]
hitch1 to be caught, fastened, or entangled; snag. [1/9 definitions]
hoist by one's own petard caught or defeated by one's own traps or schemes.
incomplete in football, not having been caught. [1/3 definitions]
lodge to be or become caught, fixed, or embedded in a certain position. [1/11 definitions]
pickerel any of a number of North American pike, often caught for food or sport.