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Dictionary Suite
elfin of, like, or resembling an elf. [2 definitions]
elfish like, or of the nature of, an elf; mischievous; impish.
elves pl. of elf.
hob2 a mischievous elf; hobgoblin.
hobgoblin an ugly, mischievous, or troublesome elf, sprite, or goblin. [1/2 definitions]
kobold in Germanic folklore, a spirit or elf that haunts households. [1/2 definitions]
leprechaun in Irish folklore, an elf with knowledge of secret treasure for whomever can catch him.
peri a fairy or elf of Persian mythology that is descended from evil angels and must do penance before being admitted to paradise.
pixy a playful or mischievous creature of folklore, similar to a fairy or elf. [1/2 definitions]
spirit a supernatural being, such as a devil, ghost, fairy, or elf. [1/11 definitions]
sprite a small supernatural being; fairy, elf, or goblin. [1/2 definitions]