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Dictionary Suite
alapana in Indian music, the detailed exposition of a raga, in which the general flavor of the raga is introduced.
Deuteronomy the fifth book of the Old Testament, which contains a restatement and exposition of the laws of Moses, his addresses to the Israelites, and an account of his last days.
dissertation a formal and usu. lengthy exposition in speech or writing, esp. a detailed report of research by a candidate for a doctoral degree.
Eiffel Tower a 984-foot iron tower constructed in Paris for the International Exposition of 1889 and now a popular tourist attraction.
pavilion one of a group of buildings that form a larger complex such as a hospital or exposition center. [1/4 definitions]
sonata form a three-part musical form containing an exposition, the development, and a recapitulation, often concluded by a coda.
world's fair a large exposition at which various countries display their arts, crafts, scientific achievements, agricultural and industrial products, and the like.