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arabesque a ballet position in which the dancer stands on one leg and extends the other backward with a straight knee, with the body slightly bent and the arms in extended positions. [1/4 definitions]
Bermuda shorts shorts ending just above the knee, worn by both sexes and often with knee-length socks; bermudas.
bloomer1 (pl.) a pair of loose, knee-length trousers formerly worn by girls and women as athletic wear. [1/3 definitions]
blouse a loosely fitting peasant garment covering the arms and torso and extending as far as the hip or knee. [1/4 definitions]
body part a part or section of the human body, such as the arm, chest, nose, neck, or knee. [1/2 definitions]
bowleg an outward curving of the leg, most pronounced at the knee area, or a leg having such a curvature.
breeches (used with a pl. verb) trousers that reach to the knee; knickers. [1/2 definitions]
bursitis a painful disorder caused by the inflammation of a bursa, esp. in a joint of the shoulder, elbow, or knee.
calf2 the muscular back part of a human's leg below the knee.
cannon bone a supporting bone between the knee or hock and the fetlock of a hoofed animal.
crus the section of the leg or hind limb between the knee and foot; shank. [1/2 definitions]
duffel coat a hooded knee-length overcoat with frog fasteners that is usu. made of a sturdy wool fabric such as duffel or loden.
femur the long bone in the leg in primates, or the hind leg in quadrupeds, extending from the pelvis to the knee; thighbone. [1/2 definitions]
fibula the outer and smaller bone in the lower hind leg of a four-legged animal or below the knee of a human. (Cf. tibia.)
frock coat a man's close-fitting, usu. double-breasted dress coat with knee-length tails in front and back.
genuflect to bend the knee so as to worship or show reverence. [1/2 definitions]
ham1 the back of the knee or thigh. [1/3 definitions]
hamstring one of two tendons at the hollow of a human knee. [3/5 definitions]
hyperextension the extension or bending backward of a limb, esp. at the elbow or knee, beyond its normal limits. [1/2 definitions]
jackboot a sturdy leather boot extending above the knee, used by the military, police, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
kilt a knee-length, pleated, plaid wool skirt traditionally worn by Scottish men.