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Dictionary Suite
blend in linguistics, a word made by combining two other words, such as "brunch" from "breakfast" and "lunch". [1/9 definitions]
brown-bag to bring (a meal, usu. lunch) to work, school, or the like in, or as in, a brown paper bag. [2/3 definitions]
brunch a meal that serves as both breakfast and lunch, usu. eaten in the late morning. [1/2 definitions]
lunch to eat lunch. [1/2 definitions]
luncheonette a plain and inexpensive restaurant, usu. having a counter and tables, that serves sandwiches and other lunch food.
luncheon meat meat that is prepared in loaves, sausages, and the like, and ready to eat without cooking, usu. sliced and in sandwiches; lunch meat.
lunchtime Lunchtime is the usual part of the day when people eat lunch. Lunchtime is usually in the middle of the day.
macaroni and cheese a popular lunch or dinner dish made with macaroni in a cheese sauce, served as an entree or side dish.
prelunch combined form of lunch.