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chance the estimated likelihood that a given thing will happen; probability. [1/7 definitions]
extrapolate to make an estimate or inference of (future probability or the like) on the basis of what is already known or has already occurred. [1/3 definitions]
likelihood the state or degree of being likely; probability; chance. [1/2 definitions]
moderator a substance, such as graphite or heavy water, used in nuclear reactors to slow down neutrons, thus increasing the probability of fission. [1/2 definitions]
most likely with much greater probability than not; very probably.
must1 used to express a logical probability or reasonable inference (followed by "have" plus a past participle when referring to an action or state in the past). [1/7 definitions]
odds the probability that one thing is more likely to happen than another. [2/4 definitions]
prospect (usu. pl.) probability of success or profit. [1/5 definitions]
risk the probability of loss to an insurer, esp. an insurance company. [1/6 definitions]
stochastic of, or arising from chance or probability. [1/2 definitions]