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bullwhip a long rawhide whip with a plaited lash and a knotted end. [1/2 definitions]
cat-o'-nine-tails a whip with nine knotted cords or lines attached to a handle, formerly used for flogging, esp. to discipline naval crewmen aboard ship.
four-in-hand a necktie knotted in a slipknot, with the ends dangling and overlapping in front. [1/3 definitions]
kink a knotted soreness in a muscle, esp. in the back or neck. [1/5 definitions]
knot1 to become hardened or knotted. [1/14 definitions]
necktie a strip of fabric worn around the neck, usu. by men, under the collar of a shirt and knotted at the throat.
quipu a device that consists of colored and knotted cords, used by the ancient Peruvians to keep accounts, record events, and the like.
snarl2 to cause to become tangled or knotted. [1/5 definitions]
tangle to become knotted or entwined in a disorderly mass. [1/7 definitions]
tat to make looped and knotted lace with a small hand shuttle.
topknot a clump of hair knotted or clasped at the top of the head. [1/3 definitions]