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careerism zealous pursuit of success in a career, often at the expense of family life, ethics, or the like.
egoism in ethics, the doctrine that morality is based on self-interest. [1/3 definitions]
ethical of or concerning ethics. [1/3 definitions]
moral philosophy see "ethics."
realpolitik (sometimes cap.) politics or national policy governed by principles of power, expansion, and expediency rather than by ideals or ethics.
religion a set of beliefs concerned with explaining the origins and purposes of the universe, usu. involving belief in a supernatural creator and offering guidance in ethics and morals. [1/4 definitions]
scrupulous adhering strictly to standards of ethics or morality; punctilious. [1/2 definitions]
single standard a single set of rules or ethics that apply to all individuals, such as a moral code for both men and women. (Cf. double standard.) [1/2 definitions]
situation ethics a system of ethics in which moral rules are not absolute but may be modified for special situations.
unprofessional not in accord with the standards or ethics of a certain profession or activity. [1/2 definitions]
upright right, honest, and just in actions or ethics. [1/8 definitions]
utopia (often cap.) an imagined or proposed place or society that is ideal, esp. in its laws, ethics, and treatment of humanity.