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Dictionary Suite
ambient a type of instrumental music characterized by patterns of sound rather than melodic form or rhythmic structure, and which can be explicitly listened to or serve as background or atmospheric sound. [1/3 definitions]
canon1 in music, a passage or movement in which a melodic line is exactly repeated, with the repetitions overlapping each other. [1/5 definitions]
counterpoint music, or one melodic line of a composition, that uses counterpoint. [1/3 definitions]
homophonic of music, having only one melodic line predominating, with other voices or parts as accompaniment. [1/2 definitions]
ostinato a brief melodic phrase repeated over and over by the same instrument, used esp. as an accompaniment to a soloist or an ensemble passage.
raga any of numerous traditional Hindu melodic patterns, each with specific progressions and rhythms, upon which the musician improvises.
riff a short melodic or rhythmic phrase, often repeated, esp. as an accompaniment for a jazz soloist.
voice a melodic section of a musical score. [1/11 definitions]