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animadversion criticism that is unfavorable. [1/2 definitions]
bad not positive; unfavorable. [1/9 definitions]
badly in an unfavorable manner; adversely. [1/4 definitions]
black mark something unfavorable or detrimental in one's record.
criticism an unfavorable or negative judgment or evaluation. [1/4 definitions]
defamation the act of causing damage to the reputation of a person, group, or institution by making unfavorable and unjust statements. [1/2 definitions]
defame to damage or destroy the reputation of (a person, group, or institution) by making unfavorable and unjust statements. [1/2 definitions]
dim unlikely or unfavorable. [1/9 definitions]
disadvantage an unfavorable or inferior condition or circumstance. [3 definitions]
disadvantaged suffering from unfavorable or inferior conditions or circumstances, usu. of a material or social nature.
disadvantageous causing detriment; unfavorable.
disapprove to hold an unfavorable opinion (often fol. by "of"). [1/3 definitions]
disfavor unfavorable regard or opinion; displeasure or disapproval. [1/4 definitions]
downside a downward trend, financial loss, or unfavorable result or prospect. [1/2 definitions]
foul disagreeable or unfavorable, as weather. [1/21 definitions]
hunker (informal) to hide and wait until an unfavorable circumstance or situation is over (usu. fol. by "down"). [1/2 definitions]
ill bringing adversity; unfavorable. [1/11 definitions]
ill fame unfavorable reputation or name.
inauspicious showing little or no promise of success; unfavorable.
incompatible unable to be mixed without an unfavorable reaction. [1/6 definitions]
negative disadvantageous, unfavorable, or undesirable; bad. [1/14 definitions]