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crown prince the male heir to a throne.
crown princess a female heir to a throne. [1/2 definitions]
devolution the passing down of property upon death, as to a legal heir. [1/4 definitions]
heiress a female heir, esp. one who is entitled to or has inherited a large fortune.
heirless combined form of heir.
infanta the daughter of a Spanish or Portuguese king, or the wife of his son who is not heir to the throne.
infante a son of a Spanish or Portuguese king who is not heir to the throne.
inherit to receive (money, property, or the like) through a will made by, or legal succession to, a person who has died; be heir to. [2/5 definitions]
preterition the act of passing over or omitting, as the omission of an heir or heirs from a will. [1/2 definitions]
Prince of Wales a title held by the heir apparent to the British throne.
scion an offspring or heir. [1/2 definitions]