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amour-propre (French) self-love; self-esteem.
cysteine a sulfur-containing, semi-essential amino acid occurring in proteins. One cysteine within a protein can react with another to form a disulfide bond.
ego self-esteem or self-respect. [1/5 definitions]
egoism excessive self-esteem; conceitedness; egotism. [1/3 definitions]
formal in accordance with well-established, solemn or polite customs and conventions; ceremonious. [1/9 definitions]
high-flown excessive or extravagant, as in self-esteem, goals, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
inferiority complex feelings of inferiority or inadequacy; lack of self-esteem. [1/2 definitions]
orthodox adhering to or in accordance with long-established religious beliefs, laws, and practices. [1/4 definitions]
persistent depressive disorder a condition of chronic mild depression or irritability that is often accompanied by other symptoms, including low self-esteem, eating or sleep disturbances, and fatigue. Formerly called dysthymia.
purism uncompromising exactness and strictness with regard to long-established standards, as of language or political or philosophical belief. [1/2 definitions]
seaway a route for ocean-going ships, esp. a well-established one; sea-lane. [1/3 definitions]
secure well-established and able to be relied on; steady; dependable. [1/10 definitions]
-st variant of -est.
tax duplicate a document given to tax authorities that certifies the value of real-estate holdings.
traditionally in accordance with a long-established way of doing things within a particular culture