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appendix a short closed tube of tissue that projects from the pouch at the beginning of the large intestine in the lower right-hand side of the abdomen; vermiform appendix. [1/3 definitions]
bank holiday an official holiday in the UK, when banks and other businesses are closed.
berlin a large four-wheeled closed carriage with separate perches for the footman and driver, and two facing seats inside. [1/2 definitions]
blind alley an alley or passageway with one end closed off; cul-de-sac. [1/2 definitions]
blink to look through partially closed eyes (usu. fol. by "at"). [1/10 definitions]
bolt1 a metal or wooden bar on a door that slides into a socket on the doorframe to secure the door in a closed position. [1/14 definitions]
brougham a four-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage with a closed compartment for passengers and an open driver's seat in front. [1/3 definitions]
chelate in chemistry, of or designating a compound in which the central metallic ion is bonded with two or more nonmetallic atoms to form a closed chain. [1/7 definitions]
circle a closed curve along which every point is the same distance from a fixed center point. [1/8 definitions]
circuit the closed path followed by an electric current. [1/8 definitions]
circulate to move or flow continuously along a closed path or system. [1/4 definitions]
circulation the motion of liquid through a closed system, esp. that of blood through the arteries and veins of the body. [1/4 definitions]
claustrophobia an abnormal fear of being in closed or confined places.
close to become closed or shut. [1/23 definitions]
closure the act of closing or state of being closed. [1/3 definitions]
conservation of energy a principle of physics that asserts that the total energy in a closed system remains constant regardless of changes in the system.
conservation of matter a principle of physics that asserts that the total matter in a closed system remains constant, regardless of changes in the system.
cuff link either of a pair of linked buttons or other small device inserted into the buttonholes of a cuff to keep it closed.
curtain the beginning or end of a theatrical performance or scene, when the curtain is commonly opened or closed. [1/7 definitions]
cyclic in chemistry, of or pertaining to a compound or form of a compound containing a covalently closed ring of atoms. [1/2 definitions]
cylinder in geometry, a surface or volume described by a straight line tracing a closed curve, esp. a circle, at a fixed angle, usu. a right angle, in two parallel planes. [1/5 definitions]