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ascension (cap.) the festival commemorating this event, held on the fortieth day after Easter; Ascension Day. [1/3 definitions]
Ascension Day the fortieth day following Easter, observing the ascent of Jesus Christ into heaven.
Easter bunny in folklore, a rabbit that brings Easter eggs, candy, presents, or the like for children for Easter; Easter rabbit.
Easter egg a decorated or colored egg used as a gift or ornament on Easter. [1/2 definitions]
Easter lily any of various white-flowered lilies that are artificially brought into bloom for Easter Sunday, used esp. to decorate the altars of Christian churches on Easter.
Easter rabbit see "Easter bunny."
Eastertide the season of or period following Easter.
Good Friday the Friday before Easter Sunday, commemorated by Christians for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Holy Week the week immediately before Easter Sunday.
Lent the forty weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter, observed by Christians as a period of fasting, penitence, and other self-denial.
Low Sunday the first Sunday after Easter.
Maundy Thursday the Thursday before Easter, commemorating the Last Supper and Jesus Christ's washing of the disciples' feet.
Palm Sunday in many Christian churches, the Sunday before Easter, commemorating the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.
passion play a play, often performed around Easter, reenacting the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross and the events relating to it.
Pentecost a Christian festival on the seventh Sunday after Easter, celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]
Quinquagesima the fiftieth day before Easter; Sunday before Lent.
Whitsunday the seventh Sunday after Easter, celebrated in some Christian churches in commemoration of Pentecost.