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beau ideal an example or model of perfection or excellence. [1/2 definitions]
blemish a mark that spoils the perfection of something; flaw. [1/3 definitions]
consummate to bring to perfection or fulfillment; complete. [1/4 definitions]
defect a lack of something needed for adequacy, completeness, or perfection; shortcoming; deficiency. [1/3 definitions]
defile1 to destroy the perfection or purity of. [1/5 definitions]
Eden according to the Old Testament, the garden in which Adam and Eve, the first humans, lived in a state of perfection; Garden of Eden; paradise. [1/2 definitions]
finish something added for completeness or aesthetic perfection. [1/11 definitions]
ideal regarded as a model or standard of excellence or perfection. [1/6 definitions]
idealism in the fine arts, treatment of form and content according to standards of perfection. (Cf. realism.) [1/2 definitions]
ontological argument an a priori argument for the existence of God that asserts that existence is a perfection and that God is the most perfect being, and therefore that God must exist.
perfect to bring to, or nearer to, perfection or completion. [1/7 definitions]
perfectionism the tendency not to be satisfied with less than perfection. [2 definitions]
perfectionist of, relating to, or marked by perfection or perfectionism. [1/3 definitions]
round to arrive at completion or perfection. [1/24 definitions]
round out to bring to completion or perfection.
sully to ruin the purity or perfection of. [1/2 definitions]
thorough reaching the point of perfection; absolute. [1/3 definitions]
to a T completely and suitably; to perfection.
utopian of or pertaining to a desirable but impractical perfection in political and social life, or characterizing one who imagines or proposes such a perfection. [1/3 definitions]
utopianism a utopian's ideas of social and political perfection.