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Adm. abbreviation of "Admiral," a naval commissioned officer of the highest rank, or the commander of a fleet or squadron.
admiral a naval commissioned officer of the highest rank; the commander of a fleet or squadron. [1/2 definitions]
admiralty the department or office having jurisdiction over naval affairs. [1/3 definitions]
aide-de-camp a military or naval officer serving as assistant to a general or admiral.
airstrike an attack by air forces or other military aviation against a ground or naval target.
Annapolis the U.S. Naval Academy located there. [1/2 definitions]
carrier a very large naval vessel equipped with a flight deck; aircraft carrier. [1/6 definitions]
cat-o'-nine-tails a whip with nine knotted cords or lines attached to a handle, formerly used for flogging, esp. to discipline naval crewmen aboard ship.
commissioned officer a military or naval officer holding a rank by commission.
commodore in the U.S. Navy until 1899 and again during World War II, a commissioned naval officer ranked below a rear admiral and above a captain. [1/2 definitions]
Coral Sea an arm of the southern Pacific Ocean located off the northwestern coast of Australia, extending to the north as far as New Guinea and the Soloman Islands and to the east by Vanuatu. The sea is the location of the Great Barrier Reef. It was also the scene of a fierce naval battle between Japan and the United States in World War II.
flag officer a naval or coast guard officer above the rank of captain, who is entitled to have a special flag displayed when he or she is aboard ship.
flagship in a group of naval vessels, the ship in which the commanding officer is stationed, or the principal one of any group of ships. [1/2 definitions]
fleet1 a group of naval ships under one command or grouped for one purpose. [1/3 definitions]
fleet admiral the highest rank for a U.S. naval officer, created and conferred only during World War II.
gunner a naval warrant officer specializing in guns, missiles, and other ordnance. [1/2 definitions]
marine a nation's naval or merchant ships. [1/7 definitions]
middy (informal) a student at the U.S. Naval Academy; midshipman. [1/2 definitions]
midshipman a student or recent graduate of naval officer training. (See cadet.)
minelayer a naval vessel designed to lay explosive underwater mines.
minesweeper a naval vessel used for destroying, removing, or deactivating underwater enemy mines.