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Dictionary Suite
abradant am abrasive substance. [1/2 definitions]
boron carbide a very hard black crystalline compound used in nuclear reactor control rods, as reinforcement in structural materials, and as an abrasive.
bort poorly crystallized, low quality diamonds or diamond fragments, used in crushed or powdered form as an abrasive.
emery a fine-grained abrasive made of a corundum mixture, used for grinding and polishing.
gizzard an enlarged, muscular portion of the digestive tract of birds in which partially digested food is finely ground with the aid of abrasive particles. [1/2 definitions]
grit tiny abrasive particles, as of sand. [2/7 definitions]
hone a precision tool with an abrasive tip that rotates, used to enlarge holes. [1/5 definitions]
nonabrasive combined form of abrasive.
pumice light, porous hardened lava, powdered or whole, used as an abrasive and polishing agent. [1/2 definitions]
sandpaper paper coated on one side with a coarse or fine abrasive compound, used to abrade or smooth surfaces. [1/2 definitions]
scrape to rub the surface of with something sharp or abrasive, as for cleaning or removing material. [4/13 definitions]
scrub1 to clean by rubbing hard, often with a stiff brush or other abrasive cleaning tool. [1/6 definitions]
scrubber a stiff brush or abrasive tool used for scrubbing. [1/3 definitions]
shagreen the rough skin, covered with bony denticles, of certain sharks or dogfish, used as an abrasive. [1/3 definitions]