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Alexandrian of or pertaining to Alexander the Great or the period of his reign. [1/2 definitions]
aureus an ancient Roman gold coin that was a monetary unit from the reign of Julius Caesar to that of Constantine I.
dynasty the reign of such a family. [1/2 definitions]
Edwardian characteristic of or relating to the reign of Edward VII of Great Britain, esp. in displaying opulence, self-indulgence, or elegance.
Elizabethan of, relating to, or characteristic of Elizabeth I of England or the period of her reign. [2 definitions]
Georgian of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the period of British history from the reign of George I through that of George IV, or the style, as of architecture, of that period. [1/6 definitions]
Holy Roman Empire the empire of central European, Germanic-speaking nations and Italy, beginning with Charlemagne's reign as Roman emperor in 800 A.D. or the crowning of Otto I in 962, and ending in 1806.
interregnum the interval between the end of one reign or regime and the start of another. [1/3 definitions]
Jacobean of or pertaining to James I of England or the time of his reign, from 1603 to 1625.
kingship the period of a king's rule; reign. [1/3 definitions]
Meiji the name given to the reign of Emperor Mutsuhito of Japan, who ruled from 1867 to 1912.
mid-Victorian pertaining to, characteristic of, or taking place during the middle period of Queen Victoria's reign in Great Britain. [1/3 definitions]
millennium according to the Bible, a future thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth. [1/3 definitions]
raj in India, a king, or his rule, reign, or dominion.
Victorian of, concerning, or during the reign of Queen Victoria. [1/4 definitions]