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archenemy (often cap.) the devil. [1/2 definitions]
archfiend (cap.) the devil. [1/2 definitions]
Beelzebub according to the New Testament, the chief devil; Satan.
cloven hoof a symbol of the Devil, whose legs are usually depicted as having cleft hooves; cloven foot. [1/2 definitions]
conjure to call forth or appeal to (a spirit or devil). [2/4 definitions]
daemon an evil spirit; devil. [1/3 definitions]
dasyure any of various small nocturnal Australian marsupials, including the Tasmanian devil, that eat insects or flesh.
demonolatry the worship of demons; devil worship.
deuce2 (informal) the devil (used only as a mild form of swearing).
devilish of, like, or suited to a devil. [1/3 definitions]
deviltry magic done by a demon, witch, or devil. [1/3 definitions]
diabolic of the Devil or a devil.
diabolical having qualities like those of the Devil or a devil; fiendish; malevolent.
diabolism worship of, or soliciting the help of, the devil or demons; Satanism. [1/2 definitions]
dickens devil; deuce (usu. prec. by "the").
fiend an evil spirit or demon; devil. [1/3 definitions]
Old Nick the devil; Satan.
Satan in Christian theology and Judaism, the embodiment of evil, adversary of humans, and rival of God, usu. identified with the fallen angel Lucifer; the Devil.
spirit a supernatural being, such as a devil, ghost, fairy, or elf. [1/11 definitions]
tempter (cap.) the devil; Satan (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/2 definitions]