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annulment a court decree declaring a marriage to be invalid. [2 definitions]
decree to pronounce or put forth a decree. [1/3 definitions]
decretal containing, having the nature of, or pertaining to a decree or decrees. [2 definitions]
decretory of, pertaining to, or following a decree. [2 definitions]
diktat a command or decree, esp. one imposed by an authority but without agreement of the people. [1/2 definitions]
edict an order or decree proclaimed by a ruler or other of high authority.
emit to issue formally or officially, as a decree or currency. [1/3 definitions]
exile a decree of expulsion; banishment. [2/6 definitions]
fiat an authoritative, often arbitrary, decree or order.
fiat currency paper currency that is dependent for its value on a government fiat or decree, and cannot be exchanged for gold or silver.
fiat money paper currency that is dependent for its value on a government fiat or decree, and cannot be exchanged for gold or silver.
fiduciary of, pertaining to, or consisting of money that is not convertible into coin or specie but derives its value from public confidence or government decree; of or concerning fiat money. [1/3 definitions]
interlocutory in law, referring to a decision, decree, or the like, that is rendered in the course of a legal action; not final; intermediate. [1/2 definitions]
no-fault of or pertaining to a system of divorce in which a decree is granted without fault being assigned to either spouse. [1/2 definitions]
ordain to establish, order, or proclaim, esp. by authoritative decree. [2/4 definitions]
ordinance a regulation, law, decree, or rule, esp. one issued by a city or town.
pragmatic a decree issued by a sovereign head that is adopted as fundamental law; pragmatic sanction. [1/4 definitions]
pragmatic sanction a royal decree that becomes or has the force of a fundamental law of the land.
predestinate to determine or destine beforehand, esp. by divine will or decree.
preordain to determine or decree beforehand; foreordain.
promulgate to institute (a law or court decree) by proclamation. [1/2 definitions]