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Dictionary Suite
as a whole when regarded in entirety.
body a group of people, things, or ideas regarded in its entirety. [1/7 definitions]
hear to experience (a sound recording or other auditory event) in its entirety through the use of one's ears. [1/7 definitions]
holism the concept that the entirety or wholeness of an entity is other or greater than a summation of its parts.
holistic handling or dealing with an entity in its entirety or wholeness rather than with emphasis on its parts or various aspects. [1/2 definitions]
macrocosm the universe in its entirety. (Cf. microcosm.) [1/3 definitions]
set out to mark out or detail (a plan for something) in its entirety. [1/5 definitions]
total the whole of a thing; entirety. [1/8 definitions]