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Dictionary Suite
afield away from one's home; abroad. [1/3 definitions]
air letter a sheet of very lightweight paper that may be folded into an envelope for mailing abroad; aerogramme. [1/2 definitions]
bill of exchange a written order to pay a specified amount to a specified person, used mainly in conducting business abroad.
dollar diplomacy a U.S. government policy of promoting national interests by encouraging investment abroad, or of using governmental power or influence to protect and promote such private investment. [1/2 definitions]
export to send or transport abroad, usu. for sale or trade. [5 definitions]
home front the civilian population or location during a time of war abroad conceived of an assisting force or as an additional theater of war in which the "combatants" do not actually fight but engage in activities that support those who do.
overseas across any of the several oceans; abroad. [2/4 definitions]
remittance man a man who lives abroad, as, formerly, in a British colony, supported mostly by remittances from home.