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ablaze fiery in color and brilliance. [1/2 definitions]
Agent Orange an extremely toxic defoliant widely used by U.S. armed forces during the Vietnam War and now believed to cause cancer and birth defects.
Airedale one of a breed of large, long-legged terriers with wiry tan hair and black markings.
allargando gradually slower and broader, with more weight or power (used as a musical direction).
associate professor a college or university professor ranking above an assistant professor and below a full professor.
barber a person whose business is to shave, cut, or style hair and beards. [1/2 definitions]
baritone the range of the male voice that is intermediate between tenor and bass. [1/4 definitions]
distemper any of various infectious viral diseases affecting mammals, characterized by fever and by diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite in dogs and cats, and respiratory difficulties in horses. [1/2 definitions]
Doppler effect the apparent shift in frequency of waves, as of sound or light, if the source and receptor are in motion relative to each other. The frequency appears to become greater if they move closer and become less if they move apart.
fetch to go after and bring or retrieve things. [1/5 definitions]
foot-and-mouth disease a severe, very contagious disease of animals such as sheep and cattle, characterized by fever and blisters in the mouth and around the feet or hooves, the teats, and the udder; hoof-and-mouth disease.
forward in sports such as soccer and basketball, a player whose position on offense is usu. closest to the opposing team's goal. [1/13 definitions]
gaming the playing of games instructive in the creation of strategies that can be adapted to war and business operations. [1/2 definitions]
get to go after and bring back; fetch. [1/17 definitions]
giant panda a large, bearlike, carnivorous animal with black-and-white fur and black rings around the eyes, native to China and Tibet.
gold medal the award for winning first place in an Olympic or other competition, with silver and bronze medals going to second and third place winners.
halcyon a mythical bird identified with the kingfisher and believed to have the power to calm the sea during the winter solstice. [1/4 definitions]
integrate to bring together and blend into a whole. [1/5 definitions]
lieutenant colonel a U.S. military officer whose rank is above that of major and below that of colonel.
Niger River a long river in western Africa that begins in Guinea and flows through Mali and Niger. It then flows along the border between Niger and Benin, through Nigeria, and finally into the Atlantic Ocean.
overshot having the upper part extending over and beyond the lower, as a jaw. [1/3 definitions]