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black art black magic; sorcery.
black magic magic accomplished with evil intent or by satanic means; sorcery; witchcraft.
conjuration magic or sorcery. [1/2 definitions]
hoodoo religious sorcery practiced esp. by some of the Afro-Caribbean population of Haiti, Jamaica, and other Caribbean islands; voodoo. [1/3 definitions]
macumba a Brazilian religious cult that combines sorcery and the use of fetishes with elements of Christianity.
necromancy witchcraft or sorcery; black magic. [1/2 definitions]
witchcraft magical power or practices; sorcery. [1/2 definitions]
witchery the art practiced by a witch; sorcery. [1/2 definitions]
witching the practice of sorcery; witchcraft. [1/4 definitions]
wizardry the magic practiced by a wizard; sorcery. [1/2 definitions]