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IA abbreviation of "Iowa," a Midwestern U.S. state between Illinois and Nebraska.
IL abbreviation of "Illinois," a Midwestern U.S. state west of Indiana.
Illinois a Midwestern U.S. state west of Indiana. (abbr.: IL) [1/3 definitions]
IN abbreviation of "Indiana," a Midwestern U.S. state between Illinois and Ohio.
Indiana a Midwestern U.S. state between Illinois and Ohio. (abbr.: IN)
Iowa a Midwestern U.S. state between Illinois and Nebraska. (abbr.: IA) [1/3 definitions]
Kansas a Midwestern U.S. state between Missouri and Colorado. (abbr.: KS)
KS abbreviation of "Kansas," a Midwestern U.S. state between Missouri and Colorado.
Minnesota a Midwestern U.S. state on the Canadian border between Wisconsin and the Dakotas. (abbr.: MN)
Missouri a Midwestern U.S. state between Kansas and Illinois. (abbr.: MO) [1/2 definitions]
MN abbreviation of "Minnesota," a Midwestern U.S. state on the Canadian border between Wisconsin and the Dakotas.
MO abbreviation of "Missouri," a Midwestern U.S. state between Kansas and Illinois.
NE1 abbreviation of "Nebraska," a Midwestern U.S. state between South Dakota and Kansas.
Nebraska a Midwestern U.S. state between South Dakota and Kansas. (abbr.: NE)
OH abbreviation of "Ohio," a Midwestern U.S. state between Pennsylvania and Indiana.
Ohio a Midwestern U.S. state between Pennsylvania and Indiana. (abbr.: OH) [1/2 definitions]
Osage orange a small thorny tree of the mulberry family, native to the midwestern United States, that is often used in hedgerows. [1/2 definitions]
plainsman a man who lives on the plains, esp. a frontiersman or early settler on the prairies or plains of the midwestern and western United States.
plainswoman a woman who lives on the plains, esp. an early settler on the prairies of the midwestern and western United States.
SD abbreviation of "South Dakota," a midwestern U.S. state between North Dakota and Nebraska.
Shawnee a member of a tribe of North American Indians that formerly lived in the eastern and midwestern United States and now survives chiefly in Oklahoma. [1/2 definitions]